The collaborative effort between the San Enrique Municipal Treasurer’s Office and the Iloilo Provincial Treasury Office resulted in the triumphant Public Auction Sale of Delinquent Real Properties at the San Enrique Municipal Auditorium.

Out of the initially listed Three Hundred Forty-Five (345) delinquent real property units (RPUs), only forty-four (44) RPUs remained available for bidding during the public auction. These properties spanned various barangays, including Abaca, Bantayan, Braulan, Cubay, Dacal, Dumiles, Iprog, Madarag, Mapili, and Quinolpan.

Sixteen (16) enthusiastic bidders actively participated in the auction, successfully acquiring their desired property units. Ultimately, twenty-one (21) RPUs found new owners, highlighting the auction’s success and the community’s interest in these properties.

This auction aligns seamlessly with the mandate of RA 7160, or the Local Government Code of 1991, which mandates administrative remedies for collecting delinquent real property taxes. The activity underscores the municipality’s commitment to enforcing necessary measures in addressing delinquencies.

Ms. Sheryl Rose Alegario, LTOO II, Mr. Kirin Juanon, RCC II, Ms. Ayn Marie Catedrilla, AA II, and Ms. Johanna Malaluan, Support Staff from the Iloilo Provincial Treasury Office, worked in tandem with the San Enrique Municipal Treasurer’s Office to ensure the smooth execution of the public auction.

The successful outcome of the auction signifies a collaborative effort in resolving delinquent real property tax concerns. It reflects a proactive approach in aligning with legal mandates while ensuring transparency and efficiency in the collection process.

The event’s success speaks volumes about the meticulous planning and execution carried out by the involved offices. It reaffirms the commitment to fulfilling administrative obligations while engaging the community in resolving tax-related matters.

The Public Auction Sale of Delinquent Real Properties stands as a proactive step in reinforcing tax collection measures, ensuring the municipality’s financial stability and adherence to regulatory guidelines.