ILOILO CITY — Ten more local government units (LGUs)in Iloilo province have secured their respective solid waste management plans from the National Solid Waste Management Commission (NSWMC), the Iloilo Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) said on Saturday.

These are the towns of Tigbauan, Leon, Alimodian, San Miguel, Cabatuan, San Enrique, Barotac Nuevo, Barotac Viejo, Balasan, and Estancia, Mitzi Peñaflorida, senior environmental management specialist of PENRO-Iloilo, said in a phone interview.

The plans of the 10 municipalities were approved by the NSWMC in the last quarter of 2019, she said.

“The 10 towns have secured their 10-year solid waste management plans. This will serve as a guide for them to implement their respective solid waste management program,” she said.

With the approval of the plans, she said the province is left with five other LGUs that are yet to have their solid waste management plans approved.

“The towns of San Joaquin, Guimbal, Sara, Lemery, and Carles are the towns that are yet to secure their plans,” she said, adding there were some which have yet to craft the plan or their plans have not yet undergone review and critiquing by the NSWMC.

She said the PENRO continuously supports the remaining towns to also comply with the requirements of the NSWMC.

Securing the 10-year solid waste management plans of every LGU in compliance with the Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, she said.